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From global opinions to practical how tos, our blogs are focused on insights that’ll add value to you and your business.
What is total cost of ownership (TCO)?
IT management | 1 MIN READ
IFRS16 reporting lease contracts considerations for finance teams
IT Procurement | 2 MIN READ
Size matters - New tech solution revolutionises storage capacity at 3stepIT refurbishment centre on a reduced footprint.
Technology Lifecycle Management | 1 MIN READ
Last year, Cyber Security Month celebrated its 10th anniversary. Ten years ago, LinkedIn was hacked, exposing 6.4 million passwords. Fast forward a...
Seamlessly and securely Finland is a world leader in the provision of digital public services,...
The next frontier of digital assets’ control, with Asset IQ. The latest version of our powerful...
The Forgotten Power Of The SDGs For Sustainable Business Operations SDGs are often criticised for...
Global leaders are facing a stark challenge in Sharm el-Sheikh this month. Decades of inaction...
Working with the Norwegian Medical Association towards a sustainable future Our climate crisis is...
What IT leaders need to know about greenwashing Environmental, social and governance (ESG)...
Art has the power to transport us to another world, to educate and challenge us. It’s an integral...
Sustainable innovation unlocking human potential We all know technology can be life changing. But...
How IT and procurement can collaborate for a more sustainable future Having access to the right...